“Hey we got some crap news.
My mum got diagnosed with breast cancer.”
I still remember the day I received news that my best friend’s mum got diagnosed with breast cancer. I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing that very day. I had a good start to the year and I was waiting for my Vietnamese food to arrive and enjoy with my family friends.
But that one text changed everything
and it was just for me. An outsider…
I thought to myself… Breast cancer? No way! This happens to everyone else, not us, not our family. I was so sad and angry that this was happening!
She just got married to the love of her life four months ago.
It was a long time coming for my friend; lots of venue changes due to covid, and other family health issues.
I thought it was finally time for her to relax and enjoy life. But, apparently not.
I could feel her disappointment through the text messages. I wished I could just hug her in that moment.
The next few months was an uphill battle for the family going to specialist appointments, getting scans and biopsies done… One after the other, and apparently that wasn’t it.
“This one hit me like a tonne of bricks!”
That was when she found out the other breast also had a mass, and it was cancerous too.
Major life changes were made to adjust to this new reality. The family was supportive in helping her mum go through that. It was just super tough seeing my friend go through that after such a big year already.
“I’m tired. Cancer sucks!”
Fast forwards to the end of the year… After so many months of chemo, a double mastectomy and fighting this cancer battle, my friend told me the happiest news on earth!
I honestly couldn’t be happier for her. Pretty sure I did a happy dance!
Not long ago, we celebrated my best friend’s baby shower and it was so heartwarming to be able to capture this photo of them standing together. As we welcome the birth of this baby boy, I can’t wait to tell him all about these two strong women in my life!
I understand that this may not be everyone’s story, but I do hope it encourages you that it can still happen.
That’s why I decided to partner with the National Breast Cancer Foundation to fight for Zero Deaths from breast cancer. I truly believe this is possible.
For more info on NBCF, check out their website here.
Make a Difference with Your Website
When we create your website together, you play a part in helping us get closer to our vision of Zero Deaths from breast cancer.
I’m so thrilled to be partnering with the National Breast Cancer Foundation to help fund more research projects across Australia. Whether you’re revamping your website or getting a new one done, you’re helping create a better tomorrow for those who are impacted.