The initial reaction you get when you receive your website proof from your designer is most likely excitement. This is something you’ve been working your little butt off; all the late nights researching ideas and getting your content to your designer. Your website is finally coming to life and you can feel that all the hard work is paying off.
Now you may show it to your partner or send it to your friends to see what they think. It’s such an exciting thing to get your website done! However, it’s often not the most helpful to gather feedback from your loved ones, to only hear them say “Love it!”. Thanks, is that it? Where do you go from here?
Don’t worry, I’ve got you! That’s exactly why I put this blog post together and I hope you’ll find it helpful.
In this blog post, you’ll learn how to properly get feedback about your new website so you can make your investment work for you and get the best result at the end.
Without further ado, let’s get into it!
3 Ways to Get Valuable Feedback about Your New Website
1, Ask the Right People
Now you may be tempted to ask your friends and family about your new website but that may actually be doing more harm to your business. When you ask everyone for feedback, you may get a mixture of unnecessary opinions which isn’t helpful at all.
Instead you want to ask people who would actually use your website and collect feedback from them. Choose your favourite clients and keep it to 3 people max. If you’re brand new with no client base at all, you can find potential clients in related Facebook groups.
Keep reading to learn what kind of questions to ask.
2, Ask Helpful Questions
Have you ever asked someone about something to get feedback only to receive a “It looks great!” message? While this may boost your confidence, it doesn’t actually give you any constructive feedback about how you can make it better.
You want to ask the right questions when it comes to your website. Ask questions that trigger some thinking… That’s right, include some open ended questions!
Questions to Ask about Your New Website:
- How do you feel when you first land on the website?
- In a short sentence, can you tell me what this business does?
- How long did it take you to find what you need?
- What do you like about the website?
- What do you like least about the website?
- Is there anything missing on the website? If so, what is it?
3, Have Confidence in Your Web Designer
Out of all the different web designers, you’ve chosen to invest in *insert your web designer’s name here*. Being able to be on the journey of building a website with a client means a lot to a designer because this is one of your greatest assets in business. Whether it’s yourself using it or your potential clients enquiring for the first time, you need an amazing looking and functional website.
When you decide to go with this designer, it means that you believe they have the skills and expertise to help you with your business. So, why not learn as much as you can from them!? If you have any questions, feel free to ask them about it.
Let’s talk about suggestions!
When your web designer gives you suggestions about changes on your website, trust that they have your best interest in mind. They want your website to work for you and get you as many clients as possible. They want to see you do well with your business (I know I do)!
A really awesome web designer not only knows how to make a website look pretty, they know how to speak to both your potential clients and Google. After all, that determines whether your website does well or not in the long run.
Last but not least…
Life gets busy and you may only have time to look at your new website between your lunch break but sometimes it may not be the best time to do it. When you’re tired or in a hurry, your mind doesn’t function the way it should be.
Instead you should set aside time when you feel more focused and don’t have a scattered brain. That helps both you and your web designer to get the best feedback about your site and move forward with the project.
If it means that you don’t reply straight away and sleep on it first, then do that!
At the end of the day no one knows your business better than yourself so always trust your gut and listen to that small voice when you feel that something isn’t sitting with you. Most web designers much rather you tell them that you don’t like something at the start so they can help you right away.
Hope this blog post helps you gather valuable feedback about your new website. If you’re still on the lookout for a web designer, maybe I can be your girl! Click here to check out my custom website design service here.